
Listed below is a selection of some of the papers, reports, and articles written by collaborators involved in developing The World Avatar™ as well as other parties making use of the features offered by The World Avatar™.

To view the publications, please follow the links through to the relevant journal, provider, and/or webpage.

If you’re a user or open source collaborator of The World Avatar™ and would like to highlight one of your own TWA focussed publications here, please get in touch via the Contact Us page.


2020 & earlier
For a full list of papers from 2020 and earlier, please see the publications page on the CoMo website.

Current Preprints

A full list of current preprints using The World Avatar™ can be found via the CoMo Website.

Research Reports

Cambridge CARES are pleased to provide a number of Biannual Research Reports covering research updates, articles, and recent publications. A number of these reports feature content about research and projects undertaken using The World Avatar™.

Research reports can be read on the Cambridge CARES website.

Project Reports

The World Avatar™ has also been used as a key technical component in a number of collaborative research and development projects. Presented below are select reports and publications from these projects, feel free to read them to discover how The World Avatar™ is being used in industry.