
DE-WASTE at Cambridge CARES
The Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, Heng Swee Keat, recently visited Cambridge CARES to explore the latest decarbonisation activities happening

Centre for Climate Research Singapore
Can Singapore prepare for various sea level rise scenarios if we have the tools to plan ahead? Cambridge CARES Director

Prof Kraft awarded RAEng Fellowship
We are thrilled to announce that Prof Markus Kraft has been honored by being elected as a Fellow of the

CREATE Symposium 2024
On Monday 22 July, Cambridge CARES participated in the CREATE Symposium 2024, themed “Decarbonisation”, showcasing highlights from the CREATE research

OntoTrans Final Project Video The final project video of OntoTrans is here! More than four years of research and collaboration summarised in two

Science in the age of AI
Toby Greenwood (CMCL) and Dr Jiaru Bai (UoC) represented The World Avatar™ at the Royal Society on the 28th May.

Singapore Maritime Week 2024
Cambridge CARES presented recent work connecting the chemistry, maritime and environment sectors at Singapore Maritime Week 2024. Better understanding the

AI for Science
During the AI for Science workshop in Singapore, Prof Markus Kraft moderated a panel on AI in Finance/Fintech and Climate

As part of a recent publication discussing a community-operated CreatorSpace, a video was produced to highlight recent work and the