The transport sector underpins vast swathes of modern life. The ability to quickly and efficiently transport goods or people is key to the modern globalised economy. However, this in turn means that when the transport sector is disrupted the effects are wide reaching, and can cascade into other sectors. Similarly, impacts from external sectors can cause issues for the transport sector. This high level of interdependency makes the transport sector an ideal target for The World Avatar™.
Across the transport sector, like many other sectors, there is a lack of cross-sector interoperability. This severely hampers collaboration and innovation and prevents stakeholders from developing a shared understanding of their systems.
Cross-sector interoperability is especially key in the transport sector, due to the way it underpins and interacts with so many aspects of modern life. During severe weather events, impacts on the transport sector have wide-reaching and unperceived consequences, extending beyond the initially affected area and therefore increasing the number of people whose lives are disrupted.
We saw The World Avatar™ as ideally placed to solving the challenge of connecting transport routing, road data and extreme weather modelling. We also aim to expand our business into the sector, as we see transport modelling capabilities as a key priority. Through the combination of integrating agents and open data into The World Avatar, we have begun to upskill our technical team and improve the capabilities of the ecosystem.
With cross-sector interoperability between transport and external sectors, it would be possible to explore novel queries across systems and sectors. This would build the foundation for the integration of transport into our existing work, but it would also unlock new possibilities for projects in the future.
This work was funded via a Transport Research and Innovation Grant (TRIG) from Connected Places Catapult and the Department for Transport.