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Types of failure

The coloured borders around the assets allow users to see how the cascade of problems caused by the flood traverses through the combined asset network.

Types of failure used within this visualisation are defined below; please see the "Legend" tab for an example image of site icons under each failure type.

  • Direct failure: a red circular border around an icon indicates an asset that has failed because there is flooding at that location.
  • Indirect failure: an orange octagonal border indicates an asset that has failed because of a problem upstream. For example, a secondary substation that is no longer receiving power.
  • Secondary failure: a grey square border indicates an asset that is still working, but that has some other problem. For example, a substation that is providing power but that has perhaps lost telecoms or water.
  • Unsupplied connection: a connection with an orange highlight denotes a connection that is not transmitting power/water/communications due to an upstream issue.

State values

Each site has a number of input and output states, these states represent the ability of the site to recieve or output power, water, or communications; a state for the current flooding status is also present.

The numerical value of each state is detailed below.

  • The power, water, sewage, and communication states range from a value of 0 (nothing is being recieved/output), and 1 (the relevant quantity is being recieved/output correctly).
  • The flood state denotes if the current site has flood water higher that its defense level; ranges from 0 (site is considered dry), to 1 (site is considered flooded).